Consulting engineers with a focus on energy efficient, grid integrated buildings

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TEchnical Consulting

Energy studies and evaluations to assist owners in improving their building performance. We work with owners starting with planning through execution and operation of these projects.

Projects often start with a detailed energy study that includes a detailed site inspection, energy model, recommended actions each of which has a schematic design and budget. We then assist the owner in obtaining approval for utility incentives and assisting in completing the design, and selecting qualified contractors. Finally we provide project commissioning, support for the owners operations team, and project verification. Each project is unique, but we have done a number of retrofits that have saved over 25% of the energy use through the use of updated HVAC equipment, lighting, and the use of integrated controls.



Research and Education

Our work with government and industry includes development of roadmaps, technology evaluations, and other research and education efforts focused on elevating the performance of the buildings industry.

One major challenge to achieving improved energy efficiency is in having well trained and qualified technicians and building operators. We have been working with the BEST Center, a National Science Foundation funded group that is focused on developing training and certification programs.


STrategic consulting

Providing support to industry on markets, strategy, acquisitions and opportunities for new products and solutions.

One of the big challenges that we face in integrated controls is the need to make systems secure from potential cyber attacks. We have been focused on this area for many years and have done work for owners as well as the industry to help define best practices to help keep these systems secure.